There are a variety of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) available that children can use to explore, discover and learn. One key technology is the Internet, providing children with resources for a variety of topics at their fingertips.
School children use the Internet and other communication technologies to enrich their learning experience and it is known that the use of ICT has a positive effect on school improvement and attainment in Schools.
Although ICT provides amazing resources for children, it also brings with it an equal amount of risk. Many school children do not have the knowledge or skills to critique websites or to know when they are becoming the victim of bullying or grooming and this presents a problem.
Children do not only use ICT for school/homework, but also for socialising, downloading music and personal publishing (e.g. blogs) and as such they are open to a variety of hazards.
As a result of this, it is vitally important that anyone involved in educating or enhancing a child’s learning experience, is aware of the impact of these risks and is taking the necessary measures to protect the children.
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