Hawkedon Primary School

Belong, Be Kind, Achieve

Hawkedon Primary School, Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 3AP

0118 9667444



Our curriculum is designed so that children will make strong progress in design and technology.

Through carefully planned, sequential units of work and lessons, pupils will be able to develop skills in food and nutrition, mechanisms, structures, textiles and electrical systems. We believe that high-quality design and technology lessons will inspire children to think imaginatively, work practically, develop creativity, gain technical knowledge and understanding, solve problems and think critically.

Our sequential units of work allow children to build on their skills from EYFS through to Y6.  In EYFS, our children experience design and technology through independent explore time. As the children progress to KS1, they will have opportunities to explore a range of materials. By the end of KS2, children will have built upon their skills to create a variety of purposeful products.

Oracy is a key aspect of classroom practice which provides pupils with opportunities to deepen their vocabulary and understanding: through dialogue with teachers and peers. Understanding of the processes of design and technology (design, make and evaluate) will be developed through an accessible and engaging curriculum. Children will have the opportunity to experiment and develop skills whilst working with a variety of tools and a range of materials.   

D&T Lessons

 Design and Technology Intent.pdfDownload
 DT Topics and rationale.pdfDownload
 Hawkedon Primary School DT Skills Progression.pdfDownload
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