Full Governing Body Minutes
Statement of Intent
The Local Governing Board of Hawkedon Primary School (part of the Orchard Learning Alliance) works with the management team on strategies to deliver the best possible environment for every child, for each member of staff, and for the whole school community, enabling them to grow and develop their potential.
This is the aim of the Local Governing Board and is embedded in all aspects of the work carried out by the Governors.
The Local Governing Board at Hawkedon Primary School consists of the following as set out in the constitution:
- 1 Head Teacher
- 2 Staff Governor
- 2 Parent governors
- 3-8 Co-opted Governors
The document below shows the make-up of the Local Governing Board including Governors attendance, Governor’s terms of office, Governor Business Interest Register and any specific roles.
Complaints or issues for the Governing Body:
On a day to day basis, parents’ problems and concerns should, hopefully, be dealt with first through the Headteacher who will refer to the Governors where necessary. However, parents should feel free to approach the Governors on any matter concerning the school should they wish.
You are able to contact the Governing Body by:
Sending your query or request in writing to the school marked ‘FAO Hawkedon Primary School Governors' or via email on: chair@hawkedon.wokingham.sch.uk or clerk.gov@hawkedon.wokingham.sch.uk
Useful Information
Information for Governors and the role of Governor can be found at: